• Private Sale (10%): sale to partners, investment funds. The vesting Period (months) is 12 months & the monthly unlock rate is 7.67%. The private sale round has a lower rate than the Public Sale with the condition of long-term companionship with the project.
  • Public Sale (3%): open for sale on IDO platforms with 3% (Pre IDO & IDO) of the supply of the total token. The sale is to provide tokens to perform interactive activities & buy/sell NFT in the SPACE SIP ecosystem.
  • Team (15%): tokens will be allocated as an incentive to project founders, employees, freelancers. The token has a vesting period of 24 months. Tokens will be allocated after the project is run for 12 months with a monthly unlock rate is 8.33%. The token allocation time lock is intended to create focus on project development before the team receive rewards.
  • Strategic Partner (3%): the portion will be allocated for incentives to partners during project development.
  • Advisory (1%): the portion will be allocated for incentives to the Advisory partner.
  • Marketing (6%): The portion will be allocated as a reward for community activities. The portion will be allocated as a reward for community activities. In addition, there will be rewards for content creators and developers who have actively contributed to the SPACE SIP ecosystem. Contest rewards will be opened to promote the team’s interaction with the community periodically.|
  • Play-2-Earn & Mining Rewards (50%): Rewards will be spent as rewards for daily game interaction. SPACE SIP has in-game token inflation reduction mechanisms (sink and faucet, lending, mystery capsule, etc). In which the number of releases will increase by the number of active users per year, the release will be completed in 5 years. The system will check on the returned data to always ensure that the token distribution is reasonable.
  • Liquidity (4%): is allocated for the purpose of creating liquidity for $SIP tokens quickly.
  • Reserve Fund (8%): The reserve fund will be created to minimize the risks when the crypto market fluctuates or unexpected incidents occur. Funds will be used to create a balance of the SPACE SIP ecosystem.